Planning and development of serious games for education


  • Fabrício Pinto Ferreira FATEC Americana
  • Kleber de Oliveira Andrade FATEC Americana
  • José João Bernardino da Silva Júnior Universidade Federal da Paraíba



The use of technologies as an accessory tool in the teaching-learning process is increasingly present and diversified in the school environment. If on the one hand, such technologies help the teacher in the processes of elaboration and conduction of the classes by the use of multimedia equipment and the presentation of contents available on digital media, on the other hand, such technological resources may represent a stimulating challenge for children in this phase of construction and development of knowledge within the school environment. Games and games are present in the world of children as a natural form of pleasure and learning. However, children need games as a means of balance between them and the world, and games bring playfulness that is paramount to their development. Children are strongly attracted by games and games, specifically those available in electronic and digital media, a fact that makes such resources a possible tool to boost the results related to the teaching-learning process. Thus, the present project aims at the development of a digital game that can serve as a facilitating tool in the teaching-learning process, bringing in itself elements that are by educational standards, such as the National Common Curriculum Base and the National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Education, as well as serving as a module of integration with existing academic control systems.

