Proposta de melhorias na gestão de compras, por meio da previsão de demanda, em uma prefeitura da Região Metropolitana de Campinas
One of the biggest challenges for the procurement sector of a public agency is to face the great demand for orders that arrive at all times, on an urgent basis, of indispensable use and in large quantities from all sectors of administration. The work was carried out with the objective of looking for methods to develop a better organization of the purchasing function, in a city hall, reducing the lack of supplies in the needy sectors. The research methodology was based on a qualitative approach and data collection, by observing the purchase requisition processes within the organization. Forecasting the demand for the items used is of paramount importance so that there is no shortage of them for the flow of activities performed. The result indicates that the most appropriate model for forecasting demand is that of historical projection. This is because folder managers have easy access to the necessary information. Thus, there will be a reduction in the scarcity of inputs needed for work and a reduction of bottlenecks in the purchasing sector. This will enable better management of the developed processes.
A “Revista Tecnológica da Fatec de Americana” é uma publicação semestral digital de responsabilidade da “Faculdade de Tecnologia de Americana”, “Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza”, com a publicação de trabalhos de caráter interdisciplinar realizados pelas comunidades discente, docente e pesquisadores internos e bem como por pesquisadores externos.
The “Revista Tecnológica da Fatec Americana” is a biannual digital publication, under “Faculdade de Tecnologia de Americana” responsability, from “Centro Estadual de Educação
Tecnológica Paula Souza”, which encompasses interdisciplinary papers submitted by students, professors and researches of the community as well as external researches.
La “Revista Tecnológica da Fatec Americana” es una publicación digital semestral de responsabilidad de esa “Faculdade de Tecnologia de Americana”, “Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza”, cuyo objetivo es publicar trabajos de carácter interdisciplinario realizados tanto por el profesorado, por el alunnado e investigadores internos, como por investigadores externos.
É permitido a reprodução parcial desde que citado a fonte.
Partial reproduction is permitted if the source is cited.
Su reproducción parcial está permitida siempre e cuando se mencione la fuente.
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