Industrial Revolutions: a conceptual approach
Technology grows exponentially, affecting the pace of business and the lives of the world's population, whether in a good or bad way. So far we have gone through 4 Industrial Revolution where the first Industrial Revolution (1780) lasted almost 200 years and revealed the steam engines initially used in the production of fabrics. The second Industrial Revolution started 100 years later and was strongly marked by the continuous production line process. The third Industrial Revolution in the late 1960s, however, was known for revealing the first programmable logic controller that allowed the digital programming of automation systems. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 causes macro change to resolve in the economic, social, environmental and political spheres. This article is a bibliographic research, with a qualitative approach, about the 4 Industrial Revolutions. Bibliographic research covers all bibliography made public in relation to the subject of study, such as books, magazines, theses, dissertations, annals of scientific events, available through electronic and printed media.
Keysword: Industrial Revolution. Innovation. Smart manufacturing.
A “Revista Tecnológica da Fatec de Americana” é uma publicação semestral digital de responsabilidade da “Faculdade de Tecnologia de Americana”, “Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza”, com a publicação de trabalhos de caráter interdisciplinar realizados pelas comunidades discente, docente e pesquisadores internos e bem como por pesquisadores externos.
The “Revista Tecnológica da Fatec Americana” is a biannual digital publication, under “Faculdade de Tecnologia de Americana” responsability, from “Centro Estadual de Educação
Tecnológica Paula Souza”, which encompasses interdisciplinary papers submitted by students, professors and researches of the community as well as external researches.
La “Revista Tecnológica da Fatec Americana” es una publicación digital semestral de responsabilidad de esa “Faculdade de Tecnologia de Americana”, “Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza”, cuyo objetivo es publicar trabajos de carácter interdisciplinario realizados tanto por el profesorado, por el alunnado e investigadores internos, como por investigadores externos.
É permitido a reprodução parcial desde que citado a fonte.
Partial reproduction is permitted if the source is cited.
Su reproducción parcial está permitida siempre e cuando se mencione la fuente.
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