The impact of lockdown on air quality in Campinas and region during the COVID-19 pandemic through data analysis


  • Sheyla Aparecida Rodrigues da Silva FATEC Americana


The current Coronavirus (COVID-19) related pandemic has substantially impacted many aspects of life. The publication of articles related to the subject grows every day, however there´s still a lack of studies based in data preparation and analysis to show the lockdown impact on the amount of pollutant emissions and air quality. This study fills this gap by using reports made available by CETESB, which brings the amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere of the cities of Campinas and the surrounding cities, between January 2019 and September 2020 to obtain data, which is further treated and presented with Power Bi. The purpose of the analysis is to understand whether quarantine due the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the reduction of such pollutants and to the improvement of air quality. After processing and analyzing the data, it was possible to observe a slight improvement in air quality during the lockdown period. Finally, research questions have been suggested to guide future studies on the relation of quarantine due to the pandemic and the reduction of pollutants in the atmosphere.

